Guidelines for Presentations to Interagency ADR Working Group, Workplace Conflict Management Section
Purpose of ADR Lunchtime Series
At its periodic ADR Lunchtime Series programs, the Interagency ADR Working Group, Workplace Conflict Management Section features professionals and practitioners from the government, educational institutions, non-profit organizations, and private sector/for-profit communities.
The presentations serve to educate and provide current information about issues involving alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in the workplace program area.
The audience is primarily federal government ADR program managers and staff. In addition, other federal and private sector professionals from related offices and fields, e.g., human resources, law, civil rights, employee assistance programs, etc. attend. Additional attendees include ADR professionals and program administrators from the private sector.
Information for All Presenters
- Subjects relevant to federal workplace ADR programs are the focus of the ADR Lunchtime Series programs.
- Knowledge of and experience in the field of ADR varies among our “live” attendees and telephonic audience.
- Programs are usually held on a monthly basis (not normally held in the months of August and December) and run from noon to 1:30 p.m.
- There is a “live” audience of about 50 attendees and a “listen only” telephone audience of at least 75. The telephone audience cannot ask the presenters questions; however, the presenter’s handout materials are sent electronically via email a few days before the ADR Lunchtime Series program.
- Presenters are given a Permission to Post form to sign so their handout materials may be included on the Interagency ADR Working Group web site,, which is maintained by the Department of Justice.
General Requirements
- Presentations and handout materials must be for educational purposes and the advancement of the field of ADR.
- Presenters agree to make such presentations on a voluntary basis and at no cost to the Interagency ADR Working Group or any federal agency.
- The format of both the presentation and handout materials must be accessible to and effective for the “live” attendees and the “listen only” telephone audience.
- Handout materials must be in a format that can be photocopied for attendees and transmitted electronically to the telephone audience.
Additional Requirements for Presenters from the Private Sector or For-Profit Organizations
- Presenters may not advertise their products or services.
- Presenters may make information about their products and services available to attendees if they are placed in a single place in the presentation room and left for attendees to take if they choose.
- Presenters will not receive nor should they hold themselves out as having received an endorsement (or anything using similar language) from the Interagency ADR Working Group.
- The Workplace Conflict Management Section Chair reserves the right to review and approve presentation materials prior to the presentation.
- Presenters will not have access to the list of attendees and must agree in advance that they will not affirmatively contact attendees after a presentation. Presenters may contact a particular attendee only if that attendee initiated the contact.
- The Workplace Conflict Management Section Chair will maintain contact information for the presenter and may refer attendees to that presenter upon request.
Invitation to Prospective Presenters
The Workplace Conflict Management Section is interested in receiving inquiries from prospective presenters for the ADR Lunchtime Series programs. Please send contact and biographical information, program title, and a 100 word description of the program for consideration to Stephanie Fell at The Workplace Conflict Management Section Chair is solely responsible for considering proposals and extending offers to present.
Suggestions for Upcoming ADR Lunchtime Series Programs
The Workplace Conflict Management Section would welcome suggestions from our audience and others. Please send suggestions for topics for upcoming ADR Lunchtime Series programs to Pam Pontillo at